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A Quick End-of-Life Planning Checklist for Healthcare in 2020

End-of-life planning can be quite a stressful time, but it’s inevitable if you wish to leave behind a legacy for your loved ones. You will have to make a few tough decisions during this time, but honestly, any effort you put in now will benefit your loved ones greatly later.

Here’s a checklist to follow while going about your healthcare planning:

  1. Life support

This includes a range of medications, treatments, and healthcare equipment that help the body remain functional after an illness or injury. The use of life support is slightly controversial, but it’s the only resort when the recovery of the person is highly unlikely. Artificial nutrition, ventilator, and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) are a few life support options you need to consider.

  1. Use of hospice care centers, hospitals, and nursing homes

The use of healthcare facilities is another decision you will have to make while planning your healthcare. You need a facility that’s certified by Medicare or Medicaid. The cost of treatment, follow-up options with doctors, types of activities, meals, terms of stay, and conditions are crucial factors to consider.

  1. Organ donation

Organ and tissue donation are important treatment options for people who wish to extend their lifespan. Some people decide to donate their organs after death to someone who’s in dire need. Your healthcare directive should express these wishes so that necessary steps can be taken by your physician when the time comes.

  1. Healthcare power of attorney

Healthcare power of attorney, also called a healthcare proxy, is a legal document that authorizes someone else to make healthcare decisions on your behalf. This becomes particularly important if you are incapacitated due to an injury or an illness. Make sure you give this right to someone you trust and who knows your preferences.

The above are a few elements that you need to keep in mind while doing healthcare planning. Following these tips will surely make your end-of-life planning smooth and beneficial to your desires and needs.


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