Everyone has questions when it comes to purchasing memorial headstones or burial caskets. But, because it’s not something you do everyday, it’s difficult to know the right questions to ask so that you are comfortable with your decisions. Below are links to several videos which ask the questions and provide answers to things you should consider when purchasing memorial headstones or burial caskets.
If I don’t buy the casket from the local funeral home, how will my loved ones be treated?
Why is the same casket more expensive at the funeral home?
Will my casket arrive at the funeral home on time?
Why shouldn’t I just buy from the local memorial company?
What should I look for in a memorial company?
If it looks to be the same monument, why shouldn’t I just buy the cheaper one?
Is there any difference in the quality of the granite from one monument company to another?
After a granite memorial or bronze memorial is installed, should I expect it to sink, lean or tilt?
Who will engrave the final death date on my memorial headstone?
How will my family know all of my vital information when I die?
How can you make my memorial headstone or burial casket purchase easier?