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How to talk to your kids about the death of a loved one

Children have different ways of feeling and showing their grief after the death of a loved one. How they deal with the loss will depend on several aspects such as their age, the support they get, and their relationship with the person who died. If you are a parent who helps their child deal with the same, here is what you can try:


  1. Use simple words - When you are delivering the news to your child, approach them in a caring way. Your words should be direct and simple. Take a pause to allow your child a moment to process this.
  2. Listen - Every child will have a different reaction to learning that someone they loved has died. Some might ask questions, some might cry, while some might not react at all. All responses are okay. All you have to do is stay with them, listen, and offer reassurance and hugs.
  3. Tell them what to expect - The death of a loved one is bound to make some changes in the life of your child. Make sure that you let them know everything that might happen and that they don’t have anything to worry about.
  4. Talk about funerals - Your child should be a part of the memorial service or funeral. But, it is important that you prepare them beforehand. Explain to them what is happening during the burial or cremation. Share the beliefs of your family about what happens after death.
  5. Help them remember - In the coming weeks encourage them to talk about the time they spent with their loved ones. Don’t avoid talking about the person they have lost. Share and recall happy memories to help them activate positive feelings and heal. Just remember that it will take some time for them to heal from their loss.

At a time like this, it is crucial that you stay close to your child.


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