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Do’s and Don’ts of Visiting a Cemetery

Cemeteries are places where the bodies of those who are no longer with us rest. They are a place where people come to pay their respects to their loved ones, to grieve and mourn them and honor their memory. As such, cemeteries are places that require a code of conduct.

When visiting the grave of a loved one in a cemetery, keep these do’s and don’ts in mind:

  • Do respect visiting hours

Most cemeteries have visiting hours, usually from around 8 or 9 in the morning till 5 or 7 pm in the evening. Some older cemeteries, especially those adjacent to churches, and are not walled in, may be open to the public at all times. Make sure that you ask about the cemetery’s visiting hours before heading out.

  • Don’t walk over graves

Walking over graves, whether it is the grave of your loved one or a stranger you do not know, is extremely disrespectful. A grave is the site where the body of someone who has passed is put to rest and it holds deep meaning for that person’s family and friends.

  • Don’t clean or decorate in a way that causes damage

Even if the grave or monument is dirty, don’t clean it in a way that could cause damage. And if there is already some damage, don’t try to fix it yourself if you are not sure how to do so. For example, using chemical cleaning agents may damage the headstone. It’s best to call professionals. Contacting the company who processed and installed the monument is your best bet.

  • Do respect the peace of other people in the cemetery

If there are other people in the cemetery who have come there to reflect and/or visit the grave of their loved one, make sure you are respectful of their peace and privacy. Be considerate and allow them to reflect or grieve in peace.


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